Mitzi’s driving to the tornado scene got me thinking of Gladys in Blonde driving to the fire, and Michelle has portrayed Marilyn as well, a little bit of fun in that. But about the camera capturing the detail of life, I think YI YI have done a better demonstration.
8部短片闡述了不同女性所處的不同環境個人更喜歡第7集婚姻久了大家對彼此除了習慣應該也有厭倦如果不是觸及不可調控的問題我們是否會因爲長久的變向忍耐而去退貨社會節奏的加快變得浮躁每個人沒有耐心去解決瑣碎的問題都以快刀斬亂麻結束眼前所遇到的麻煩但靜心看下來許多快到後面並不是亂麻也許只是一個可以解開的結無論是婚姻事業或者友情我們更應該讓自己靜下來2-3獨立的去思考what I want then go to do anything which you want.